'Dream Scenario' - Movie Review

Having just watched the unimpressive Nic Cage vehicle "The Retirement Plan," I guessed the fault for that didn't lie with him and immediately moved on to another movie starring him. And I was right ... although I didn't like this one any better. It is, at least, considerably more interesting.

Paul Matthews (Nic Cage) is a biology professor. He's needy, obnoxious, intelligent, a bit whiny, and stubborn. He's married with two kids. And people - many people - start to see him in their dreams. The movie is both about how people react to this man who keeps showing up in their dreams - and about how he reacts to their sudden interest in him. Let's just say ... it gets awkward.

Cage's performance is ... distinctive. And not in the patented Nic Cage way, either. This isn't anyone you've seen him play before, and chances are you aren't going to like this guy much. He's not a horrible person, but he ain't wonderful and he doesn't react particularly well to his sudden celebrity.

The movie is creepy, uncomfortable, and humiliating for several of the characters. It's not a ride I'd wish to repeat, and I didn't even like it the first time. But it was both interesting and different. Should really work for some people - good luck with that.